-Yellow Jackets-

-Structural Removal-

All removals and treatments are done by first identifying the nest entrance and setting up a vacuum system to capture the population as they enter or exit the hive collecting up to 95% of the population in a 30-40min period. If possible we then put the remaining yellow jackets in the hive to sleep using a proprietary method and physically remove the hive. This technique is exclusively done by Bee Friendly Honey and not other specialist. This is important because once the nest is treated with product, like many services do, yellow jackets will leave the hive and be extremely aggressive as the product normally takes 30-60min to start taking effect, spreading the pesticide coated yellow jackets into the environment where other animals such as lizards and birds can eat the dying yellow jacket and be poisoned in the process, not to mention the yellow jackets that are returning to the hive from foraging now see the hive entrance has changed in smell and looks due to the treatment and will not want to re-enter. This can cause a cloud of angry yellow jackets that persist in the area for the remainder of the day, sometimes for days and can be a hazard to you and your unsuspecting neighbors/customers in the general area. After our process has run its course normally taking about one hour, expect 5 to 10 wasps in the area for an hour or two instead of several hundred normally left by other services. We also use environmentally friendly products if needed for our treatment consisting of a diatomaceous earth base and essential oils that naturally provide insecticide type results.  Service includes removal and or treatment of one nest.  Additional nests will be charged out at $125 plus materials per nest.   Services are guaranteed for a one season period.

  • Fee: $375  when located inside a structure plus materials (normally $15-$25 if needed) and drive time. In some cases several treatments may be required, drive time and materials for additional visits may be added to the total cost of service. Service includes treatment and/or removal of one nest.  Additional nests will be charged out at $125 per nest.   Services are guaranteed for a one season period.

Click the box below to book your removal or ask a question!

Upon inspection of property, estimates may change due to unforeseen difficulties. No work will take place before a price is agreed upon. Minimum fee charged for a home visit is $50 plus drive time to cover booking time and expenses. Prices are based on a $225hr structural bee removal, $175hr non structural bee removal, $125hr contracting work and $60 an hour drive time from Martinez, CA for billing 

Thank you for supporting my local beekeeping business!   Your support allows me to serve the community and the earth through pollination of our local plants, fruit trees,  flowers and incorporate healthy environmental practices. 

 Thank you for helping me  follow my beekeeping passion!
